Did you know: Fight Club factoids.
Hey! Do you have a smartbone (heh)? Check out:
Find your birthday in Pi.
Interesting tidbits about the Happy Birthday song.
I’m sorry listeners but I was incorrect in this podcast when I said that you can play Draw Something on a computer with a tablet. I was going off of some bad assumptions on that one. Honestly though, I blame the cocaine. -Lindsey
I’m also sorry listeners, but I thought Lindsey posted about Draw Something like forty-eight times. It was only three. But I was in a dream, within a dream, and we all know how that works…. on, and the cocaine too… – Jared
Give us a call and talk about your absolute LEAST favorite movies. We’re talking about the worst movies you’ve seen here folks. Was there a movie that ruined something you love and hold dear? Have you ever walked out of a movie because it was so shit awful? Well tell us about it because we want to hear: 1-385-202-5867
Holy shit, how was I the only person to have a crazy pulled-over-by-the-cops story?? Lindsey, I hope you really do call people out if they tweet about their stories.
I’m going to call them out so hard they’ll get whiplash. (See what I did there? Hi-oooo!)
It might not be the *best* website to find it out, but at least it’s a start.
Nice! I’m totally a part of pi.
Hey so how do I make these lil comments of mine have a neat little pic with my face or whatever? As much as I like the default avatar, I’d totally love changing it to something awesome like an exploding easter bunny or something.
http://en.gravatar.com/ , or sign up for a wordpress.com account.
Oooo neato, thanks dude!
Holy shit I just realized your next episode will likely be around Easter time… Lindsey you’d better have some awesome stories about digging trenches with John’s family!!!!one_one_one
Man, I think people will get tired of hearing the same old trench digging stories. Maybe I should tell some of the other trench digging stories that I have…
Yeah, like remember that one time when we dug that trench to bury that hobo?? Ooops, I forgot we swore to never speak of that again, sorry :/
His name is Robert Paulson.
You guys bury your hobos? I just stab and run. It’s a generational thing I guess.
Generational?? Wait, how old do you think I am??? And how old are you, like 90?
I’m not 90, but I do say “hayday” and “they don’t make ’em like they used to” more often than I should.
WinAmp really whips the llama’s ass. I loved WinAmp!