Listener input time: What do you want to be called? (Stallone’s Rough Riders?) Leave us a comment.
Hey! Have you heard about this hot new website: ? It’s pretty cool. Here are some cool people to follow who also happen to be SRR’s (see what we did there?):
Steggo | Longklaw | one Jen who bakes and another Jen who also bakes.
Don’t forget to check out, if you’re into that kind of thing.
The reaction video of John that we talk about.
If you’re interested in being a ‘brand master’ (barf) check out this website for all your branding needs.
Lost! (Now Jared has to watch these, OR ELSE.)
iCarly (mentioned on a (few) previous episode(s).)
Time to sharpen up your #2 pencils, listeners. We’ve got questions for you that are coming fast and furious. Are you ready for this jelly?
- Did you have a pager? (follow up: were you a drug dealer?)
- How old were you when you first got a cellphone, if you got one at all?
- Have you seen Lost? (PROVE IT!) If so, do you think Jared should watch it?
- Have you heard the expression “worth his/her/its’ salt” before?
- Would you participate in Amazon Pneumatic Tube?
- But the biggest most interesting question that we NEED to know the answer to:
Tell us about GROCERY STORES! What’s your favorite? Where do you shop most often? What’s best for certain items (produce, baking supplies, those bowls that have straws built into them)? CALL US at 1-385-202-5867 and tell us or leave a comment if the phone intimidates you.
*Cover photo credit:
I just want to note for all the listeners, that car I got when I was 16, I paid for with my sweet sweet paper delivery funds.
We’ll need to sit down and hash out the “How Jared and Erica met Brian and Jen” story because I have a TOTALLY different version of it, and it does not involve CAVEradio but does involve lots of Twitter…and dungeons and dragons.
Erica has set me straight. It was actually through the Domestic Scientist. We’ll have the rundown on the next episode.
Did you have a pager? Yes. I went through two. The first was orange. No drugs, just bootleg music and video games.
How old were you when you first got a cellphone, if you got one at all? Probably 2002-ish? Maybe. Ask Jen.
Have you seen Lost? (PROVE IT!) If so, do you think Jared should watch it? I have watched LOST and I tried to get into thanks to peer pressure and it sucked. Too many plot lines, too many characters. Time travel is cool but not in LOST.
Have you heard the expression “worth his/her/its’ salt” before? Yes.
Would you participate in Amazon Pneumatic Tube? If it gets me free shipping, yes.
Time travel was super cool in Lost. One of the best characters was Daniel Faraday… although he was no Ben.
The reason I wait for TV shows to come to Netflix is because the shows I end up liking don’t stay on television long, so why should I wait week after week just to have my show killed off after a season? I’d rather wait and watch the ONE season in a weekend and be done (and then even more mad that it’s over)
I need to know about grocery stores. Before I moved all I had was Krogers, Piggly Wiggly, and Walmart. Now I have trader Joes, Safeway, Albertsons, Whole Foods, QFC, Target, and probably more. I couldn’t deal with the Kroger back in Mississippi.
Jared definitely needs to watch LOST. I didn’t have a problem with S2 like many did, but you will have to power through the beginning of S3. The time travel
I got cut off or something. I think I was trying to say that the time travel was confusing at times, but was cool overall.
What couldn’t you deal with when it came to the Kroger in Mississippi?
Yeah, the time travel got a little convoluted in some points but that’s what good time travel does. Which is what I tell people when they’re going to watch Back to the Future 2.
I got a weird vibe at Kroger and the prices were high.
Dudes you totally forgot to mention Weiland’s Gourmet Market in your grocery store discussion… best grocery store in Columbus!!
I didn’t even know that existed. 600 beers, and Jeni’s ice cream? Now I know, and knowing is half the battle! THANKS!
We’ll definitely have more follow up on grocery stores. Hopefully we get some more voicemails.
Yeah, I wasn’t thinking about the gourmet stores or specialty stores like Weiland’s, Carfagna’s , La Michoacana, etc.
Just thinking about the basics hurt my brain. We have a ton of stores here!
Sometimes I wish the cashier would cOmment on my purchases. One time I bought condoms, toy cuffs, and a plastic sword. No, they weren’t used at the same time. Sometimes at the grocery store they’ll ask me about a brand that I’m buying
I’m just thinking- how would you bring up a conversation there though? You know, without being like “the hell dude- that’s quite the assortment of things” and potentially offending someone. Or worse, having them tell you the most fucked up story imaginable, you know?
But now I’m curious- why the plastic sword?
It was a light up sword. It just looked cool. I think I still have it.
and the condoms were obviously for balloon animals, right?