Episode 11: Valued Jerks


Did you know: Fight Club factoids.

Hey! Do you have a smartbone (heh)? Check out:


Draw Something

Scramble with Friends

Find your birthday in Pi.

Interesting tidbits about the Happy Birthday song.



I’m sorry listeners but I was incorrect in this podcast when I said that you can play Draw Something on a computer with a tablet. I was going off of some bad assumptions on that one. Honestly though, I blame the cocaine. -Lindsey

I’m also sorry listeners, but I thought Lindsey posted about Draw Something like forty-eight times. It was only three. But I was in a dream, within a dream, and we all know how that works…. on, and the cocaine too… – Jared

Adorable failures will be left behind.

Give us a call and talk about your absolute LEAST favorite movies. We’re talking about the worst movies you’ve seen here folks. Was there a movie that ruined something you love and hold dear? Have you ever walked out of a movie because it was so shit awful? Well tell us about it because we want to hear: 1-385-202-5867

Episode 10: Phoning It In

Special Thank You To Our Contributors!

One of the coolest places in Internetland: The Domestic Scientist 

Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me

Timehop [hello from the past!]

The city of Columbus has an APP (did you hear how much it cost?)

If there were tumbleweeds in Ohio, there'd be one here.

Adorable failures will be left behind.

Did you watch the Oscars and do you still care enough to talk about them? Comment below.

Also- don’t forget to CALL IN and tell us about the most outrageous and ridiculous traffic story you’ve ever witnessed or been a part of. If it’s something you did, we have a voice modifier so just say if you want us to hide your identity since our show is the 3rd highest rated podcast amongst cops.

This episode is dedicated to Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson.