Episode 20!!!!!!!!!: Discounted HD Eddie Murphy Movies


Did you like BBQ Island?!

BIG TIME SUPER FREEDOM ANNOUNCEMENT! Put it in your calendars: July 8th at 7pm (Eastern) we are having a LIVE show! With videos. Cat videos. INDEPENDENCE!

Facebook is bigger than Big Brother


Really Olympics? You want to pick a fight with a huge group of people on a social media outlet? Have fun with that.

Jared goes to his first Comfest! Yay titties!

What Jared recently read.

APPS: Instapaper (for long articles you want to read later.)

Challenge Nation is coming back to Columbus!!

Gaming that's CHEEP!

Lights Off


Clip from the Newsroom

German police used 85 bullets in 2011.



Adorable failures will be left behind.

Is realistic horror more scary to you than bombastic horror?

Favorite and least favorite parts of Comfest? Would you visit our boob painting booth?

Book recommendations? Lay them on us!

Episode 19: Swedish Trolls

Our new sponsor BBQ Island has the drama you crave.

Happy belated Father’s Day!

“Will” calls in with his professionally hired actor’s favorite snack. (Thanks Will!)

We will be at Comfest 2012, but won’t have a booth since some delicious sugary snack won’t sponsor us.

The @sweden controversy!

Jared is always light prepared.

Bitches at the gym be CRAZY!

Gaming that's CHEEP!

Humble Bundle 5 raised $5,107,440.10! And people chose what to pay (amazing). The humble bundle is over, but most of the games are available for cheap (but some more than $10)

You can follow their twitter account (@humble) so you know when the next one happens.

Adorable failures will be left behind.

We need to know your thoughts on evil robots.